La Linea/Gibraltar

We arrived here a few days ago after motoring most of the way from Malaga. Point Europa We are anchored just North of Gibraltar on the Spanish side - a place called La Linea. It takes 20 minute ...

Arrived in Almerimar

The first part of the season ended today with one of the greatest sailing days we’ve had in the last few years. But even on Kincsem with all its push button systems, Eberhard and I were working har ...


There is another Amel 55 here at the dock at the Marina de Valencia. It is no. 2, built in early 2013 and it is owned by a nice Canadian couple. Time to exchange some ideas about improvements to th ...


Nicki and I had a great time on the boat at the Club Maritim. We would usually explore the city starting in the late morning and return to the boat for a late lunch. The best about our location at t ...

Arrivederci Italia!

Well we made our way up to Alghero without further interventions by the authorities. The authorities did not leave us completely, however, but about that later. Next stop after the Gulf of Ositano w ...


It's been an interesting few days, yesterday in particular. We were on a buoy right in front of the ancient city of Tharros in the Gulf of Ositano since the evening before and had a nice visit to the ...


Kerry &Kim left a couple of days ago, leaving me time to do more boat yoga. Most importantly, I installed the replacement fan for the battery compartment, which I had had shipped to this marina. ...