My trip back to the boat began with a surprise: the nice lady at the American Airlines check-in counter asked me whether I had filled in the immigration form and gave me the link. Oddly, it was a fo ...
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The last four weeks have seen a whirlwind of activity on Kincsem. I arrived at Grenada on November 14 with a to do list a mile long, both for me and for several service providers: SIMS, the boat ya ...
I just closed up Kincsem for the hurricane season. She is as well prepared as she can be. The last hurricane that caused significant damage in Southern Grenada was in 2004 – Hurricane Ivan and bef ...
We took a taxi into St Georges, the capital of Grenada to do some shopping and sightseeing. Nicely done waterfront includes many placards explaining the history of Grenada Some impressions of St ...
Once the kids had departed, Nicki and I could have a little time to relax and do some sightseeing before my cousin Rainer and his wife Almut arrived for the final leg of the 2024 season. We explore ...
For a short week, Daniel, Marla, Sophie and Lucas visited Kincsem – and even the Admiral threw in an appearance! Kincsem was transformed into a playhouse in no time. Little shoes were dropped down ...
For Amel owners in the Caribbean, getting back to Le Marin is like an addiction: very hard to shake but usually a pleasure. So instead of going to Fort de France for picking up the Ad ...
Kincsem is back in Bas du Fort and there is a surprise: the marina has no water, neither does the town and some seven neighboring towns. Apparently an act of vandalism destroyed the water ...
As the Brunners left and the new crew flew in, a new order dawned on Kincsem: The focus was sharply recalibrated on gourmet food, swimming and snorkeling. Our old friends the Antonis from ...
The requirement to check in and out of islands still controls our schedule. After Les Saintes we sailed up the West coast of Guadeloupe to Deshaies, among other things to check out wit ...