Amalfi Coast

Next on the agenda was Positano and Amalfi, if possible. I say “if possible” because there is no guarantee one can stay at either place. Positano is a completely open, unprotected anchorage and Amalfi is a small fishing harbor with a bunch of enterprising Ormeggiatori selling spots to passing yachtsmen when available. Well, luck would have it that we did get a spot in Amalfi at the third dock we called and getting there, we felt right at home immediately since many of the monster yachts had moved with us from Marina Piccolo to anchor offshore! What struck me most about Amalfi is that this is really no harbor either - just a bunch of docks strutting out into the sea from the beach. And really, there were people swimming 30 feet from our stern right in the harbor! But then water in the harbor was crystal clear, not like Santa Lucia where people were swimming in the harbor among the trash. The town of Amalfi is incredibly picturesque so we were very happy to get in there. But we were a bit surprised that the host at the restaurant we had dinner at professed to spend 6 month a year in San Francisco and could tick off every “in” restaurant there at ease.

Positano was also checked off as planned. The setting is even more spectacular than Amalfi and the tourist “density” yet higher than in Amalfi. But after a few glasses of white wine for lunch it all becomes bearable …..

But seeing the sights is a must. So off we were to Marina di Stabia, which is close to the ruins of the Roman city of Pompeii. Visiting Pompeii was a most welcome break from the cruising life! I did think that if I wasn’t retired I could help the Italians organize the experience better. Start from the numbers on the buildings corresponding to the numbers on the map and the audio guide maybe? But the Admiral says I just need to relax. So be it!


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