
When leaving Palma in the morning we were greeted by a 10kn Southerly accompanied by the standard weather conditions: blue sky, no clouds, 20C. Like Block Island Race week every day. Shorts, short-sleeved shirt and vest is the outfit of choice.

For the first few miles were were racing an older Swan in the 45 foot range. They were going about our speed and couldn’t point any higher either. And that with us having a fairly unclean bottom! So we were tacking our way up the West Coast of Mallorca along some pretty spectacular cliffs and rocky outposts.

We had planned to anchor in a little bay on the South Coast of Isla Dragonera, on the NW corner of Mallorca, but the Southerly and accompanying swell from the South put a stop to that thought given that the bay was open to the South. So we took a right turn around a 500 m high cliff and went into the harbor behind that, Andraitx. It’s a lovely little harbor town with some tourism but still some working fishing boats. All that set among high mountains. A nice mixture. Our father kept saying it was the nicest place we’ve been to on this trip.


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