Back to Mallorca

Yesterday we completed the circumnavigation (of Menorca) and put into Ciutadella once again. The first docking of the new team had to make do without a marinero taking our lines because we arrived during siesta time. Our bad! But things went off without a hitch. Kalle only almost fell into the drink and we didn’t hit anything.

Our neighbor on the right is a new 45 foot Neel trimaran owned by a couple from Australia. We had them over for a chat and drinks and it turns out they picked up the boat in La Rochelle just a few weeks ago and sailed over the Bay of Biscay and down to Gibraltar essentially the same way we did with Kincsem last year. They had to wait for one week in La Coruna for some weather to blow through! What was striking about them is that they essentially have no experience with offshore sailing. They chartered a Neel in the Carribean for 1 week, took a course and ordered the boat! They’re headed for Greece and we hope to see them again there later this year.

Today, we headed back to Mallorca, this time Alcudia. Unfortunately, no wind to speak off so we were motoring except for the last couple of hours. Once in Alcudia harbor, the long dreaded happened: a line got into the bow thruster. The problem started with the harbor mooring lines being too short and at their ends having huge bundles of knots that didn’t go on our bow cleats and winches. I tried to push the boat to windward with the thruster - that’s when it happened. I guess you should not do that! Well, lines got on the cleats finally and time for a swim. Luckily, I have my old “steamer” wetsuit from 505 days so no problem despite the 17 degree water. I was able to unrap the lines from the remains of the starboard propeller of the thruster and confirm that the port prop is intact. Amel confirms that one prop is enough but the power will be less. I can see another swim in my future to effect the repair but the marineros made it clear they did not like that to happen in the harbor. They were, however, quick to suggest a diver ……


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