
Cabrera is a group of islands with spectacular scenery on the SW side of Mallorca. It’s a national park, you’re not permitted to anchor - have to use their moorings - and you must have made reservations on an internet website in order to go. Not sure what the penalty is if you don’t, but I tried hard to make them for several days. Either the cell connection was too iffy or the Spanish national park service doesn’t like Trump: the fact is there were a number of lame excuses why it didn’t seem to work. Yesterday the last one was “you’ve already made reservations and can’t do it again” (or that’s what I was led to believe with my limited Spanish skills). But after the second drink at Isla Tagomago I finally succeeded! So we were off today, early since it’s about 60 miles. No wind to speak off for most of the trip but we managed to sail a few miles at the end.

The place is truly spectacular as you’ll be able to tell from the pictures on Smugmug. And, for the first time, there were other boats. In fact, so many that all moorings for our size range were filled - good I got that reservation!

I unfortunately didn’t enjoy the evening as much since we were having trouble with the dreaded electric bilge pump again. It had developed a habit of running but not sucking any water. Big problem on an Amel since all the showers, sinks, washing machine, etc empty into the bilge. If the electric pump doesn’t work, that means you are (I am) pumping by hand. We had experienced that pleasure on the Bay of Biscay for the first time! So I had the thing apart again and couldn’t see anything wrong (my bad - see tomorrow). To Amel’s credit, they managed to arrange for Amel’s local rep in Palma to promise an appearance the next day inspite of the fact that it’s full on launch season in Palma.


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