

The Antonis and Richmans arrived on July 1 so Floatel Kincsem is now fully booked for the week. Our first day we sailed a bit and motored a bit and got to Maccinaggio, a somewhat unremarkable but welcome stop before the infamous Cap Corse. I usually am very skeptical about claims that headlands and capes are “infamous” but I have to say that Cap Corse is living up to its reputation. When we passed it, it was on its best behavior with light Easterly winds. However, looking at MeteoFrance’s station reports, it seems that most days there are gusts into the 30s or higher at CC. So it would say crazy things like: “West 12kn, gusts to 33kn.” Wow.

So we got to Calvi today mostly sailing but the skipper was down (but not out) for a bit. We had stopped for lunch and a swim at a lovely beach off Trave on the West Coast and I had just brought up the anchor when it occurred to me to test the solidity of the installation of the starboard spinnaker winch. The installation passed with flying colors, but Dr. Antoni, on his birthday no less, was busy for a while fixing a gash on my forehead. His emergency room skills are obviously still excellent since the gash is now fixed and I was still able to dock the boat in Calvi. All is fine although I look less attractive with that big white bandage on my forehead. Nicki has been working on the looks by purchasing me a bandana with pirate motive. I still lack the eye patch though.


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