Catania, Syracusa, Taormina and Etna

Well, it’s been tourism full bore the last few days. We wanted to stay a day or two in Catania but ended up staying five. The reason was one of the first real weather systems to make it down this far south in the last few months, which made it more prudent to stay put in Catania. The first day we saw Etna, which was quite an experience, if cut short because of another rain storm moving through. The next day we drove down to Syracusa, where Archimedes lived when the ancient Greeks were here. Now, there are throngs of tourists, a few remnants of the Apollo temple the Greeks erected here, and a beautiful Plaza di Domo where the weary can have German beer. The Domo was built using some of the original columns from an old Greek temple. Definitely a step up from gritty Catania. But clearly at the top of the scale was Taormina - who would have thought. There are expensive boutiques everywhere, drying your laundry hanging from the balcony is clearly prohibited. No ounce of dirt or trash anywhere. All houses painted freshly in pastel colors, but “antiqued”. The gelateria where Barbara and Siggie bought their ice cream cones sells “Copa Trump” monstrosities, which look like multicolored knock-offs of Scilla. Yes, you can tell that the G7 were here. My favorite was our lunch spot overlooking the anchorage where Kincsem layed just a few days ago. It was called Caffee Wunderbar, and it was!


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