From Hyeres to Nice

We have sailed from Hyeres to St. Tropez to Agay to Cannes to Nice - and the boat is still in one piece! I had the quick refresher course in tying fenders, getting the dratted bowline (palstek) knot right, and tons and tons of details like electrical switches, and where what is stowed away. This boat has amazing nooks and crannies! On top of that we went shopping for a lot of nice food and drink. And did laundry in our own (!) washing machine, with a clothes line festively strung along the boat.

The big nail biter for me was landing the ship. Joerg walked me through the process of parking with the rear towards the dock, so the ships lie like sardines. I am not joking! The fenders squeeze left and right! Our first stop was St Tropez. After all the backing practice we were put alongside the sea wall - nae problemo! A helpful man in a glowing pink shirt guided us in and other helpful men caught the lines expertly thrown by me ;)

St Tropez is just beautiful, a lovely old Provence town. There are still old fishing boats in the harbor, right across from sleek sailing yachts and very large aggressively shark like motorbombardinos. The entire old town is paved in smooth slate paving stones and the houses are painted in all shades of ochre, yellow, pink and sienna with contrasting shutters in turquoise, blue and lilac. Gorgeous. We shopped at the local marchÁ© and bought delicious patÁ© and cheeses and melons and tomatoes and little black olives. I bought two bikinis! (When in France…)

Landing in Cannes was another story. We were asked to squeeze in between an old (1934) yacht and a very new and very big one. Joerg did a really impressive job, just like I park my horse trailer backwards…

Near Agay, we practiced anchoring in a little bay. We got to practice four times until the anchor held! After three tries, a helpful man came out in a dinghy and led us to the magic spot. Phew.

Arrived in Nice, in the shadow of a huge cruise ship, the Club Med 2, we cleaned up the boat and ourselves and boarded the train to Ventimiglia. Marla’s uncle David was getting hitched to his long time partner Dario! They live in a lovely house dating from the 1600’s attached to a steep mountain side, where David has been working his architectural magic, creating living spaces, terraces, and gardens. The next morning it seemed like the whole village was waiting in the piazza, with the mayor resplendent in his sash and dark blazer, distressed jeans and red espadrilles! The ceremony was followed by rice thrown, a reception in the piazza and then a delicious lunch for everyone at the house. What a beautiful event, pervaded by fondness and friendship towards the happy couple.

Tomorrow David and Dario will join us for the sail towards Genoa. Stay tuned!


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