Back in the Water

First Metaxa in a couple of months, so it’s time for an update. I arrived a couple of days ago and it was RAINING! Well, the next morning saw the typical Greek brilliant sunshine so I was off to take a look at Kincsem. She looked fine albeit a bit dusty. The first task was to power wash the bottom, which was easy enough except for the Meltimi blowing at 25 knots already at 9am. Next was the launch, which the yard did quite well considering the windy conditions. After the boat was in the water, the “seamen” suggested not moving the boat to the marina given the high winds, which I happily accepted. A couple of hours later, all the dust was washed off and Kincsem was like new again. Come 5 pm, three “seamen” arrived, each having his own ideas about how to move the boat off the dock into the tight marina berth given the still strong side winds. Some time later, my opinion prevailed (no comments please) as regards how to cast off and we departed backwards without much fuss. The fuss came, however, when each of the “seamen” had his own ideas about docking in the marina. My requests to please follow directions were not honored …. but then, we managed to get the boat docked after all and no damage was done.

The last couple of days were spent with what I love a lot. Working on the boat. Getting provisions. Getting spare parts. Diving into the bowels of Kincsem to organize storage. Some “progress” can be reported, particularly on the number one “problem” piece of equipment on the boat - the SSB. I must have spent 10 hours wedged into impossibly tight spaces on the boat, dripping with sweat in the 90F temperatures (outside), but it was all worth it. I installed the remote switch to turn off the solar panels and the copper strip for the improved ground connection - YEAH! Don’t worry if you don’t understand what I did or why I did it. It was a lot of fun and that’s all that counts. And, there wasn’t really anything else to do …..

Tomorrow, the Brunners are arriving. Intrepid travellers as they are, they’ve been “doing” Athens over the last few days and will show up tomorrow. The Cyclades are calling!


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