Kapsali Harbor, at anchor

Mycenae was worth the drive from Kilada. I had been there before, to the day almost 45 years ago. Not much has changed. The Lions Gate is still there and not much else except if you have the imagination of an archeologist. Then you see all matter of buildings, rooms and alleys. We see tourist buses - first time this season.

The next day, the anchor came up finally in Kilada and we tacked our way upwind to the first stop this season, the island of Spetses. First chance to try out the Watt & Sea hydrogenerator. It works well and produces over 2 amps at 4 knots of boat speed. But soon it started humming because the batteries were full - so we turn it off. The wind generator also works - totally silent and vibration free.

Spetses is charming and much frequented by people from Athens in the summertime, but in April, not much is happening. We are the only visiting boat until the evening, when a boat full of Brits arrives and moors next to us. Still, there are a few tavernas to chose from for dinner. We always look at the price of the standard Tsatsiki starter to judge how expensive the restaurant is. Euro 3.50 is middle of the road. Here, there are places where it's 5.50 - and the grilled fish at Euro 75 per kilo. That's very expensive for Greece. Close to Athens ....

Next stop is Monemvasia, also known as the Gibraltar of the East. That's a bit of an exaggeration but it's a substantial rock and we're anchored right below it on its West side. The attraction here is the medieval village perched on the East side of the rock, which has been well restored. We explored that the next day and it's a must see. We were right to do the tough little hike up to the castle above the village early in the morning - only one German beat us to the top. So we were able to take great pictures without tourists in them! Hagia Sophia, the church at the top of the mountain, is also well preserved although not much is left of the interior decorations.

Getting back on the anchored boat was not without challenge - it was now blowing 25 knots from the North East. But soon the sails were up and we were making great progress towards our destination, a harbor on the North East coast of the island of Kithera. Unfortunately, the harbor is open to the North East - so that's not going to work. So we changed course to Kapsali, a harbor on the South coast of Kithera, which is well protected from Northerly winds and swells. No tourists here, not even any open tavernas. So we anchor in the middle of the harbor, make a nice spaghetti meal, have some Greek red and listen to some great tunes in the evening. Life's good!!!


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