
Kerry &Kim left a couple of days ago, leaving me time to do more boat yoga. Most importantly, I installed the replacement fan for the battery compartment, which I had had shipped to this marina. It certainly makes more noise than the old one so I hope it also has more throughput, avoiding future episodes of the batteries getting too hot. But I couldn’t feel that the throughput was increased, so we’ll have to wait and see. And then I finished the deck polishing job I had started in Ragusa in April. I’m using this new nanotech polish which is supposed to cut down on future time spent polishing. We’ll see.

Today, I took time out from boat chores and investigated Cagliari. A very nice town, well maintained, beautiful buildings everywhere and little trash lying around. What a difference from Sicily! The pictures are in the album “Cagliari”. Tomorrow, the Brunners will arrive and then we’re off toward Alghero on the West Coast of Sardinia. Weather is finally warming up!


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