Spice Island Marine

I just closed up Kincsem for the hurricane season.  She is as well prepared as she can be.  The last hurricane that caused significant damage in Southern Grenada was in 2004 – Hurricane Ivan and before that, Hurricane Janet in 1955.  I asked the office lady at Spice Island Marine Services how the boatyard fared in Ivan.  The answer was that there was a lot of destruction and it took months for boats to be able to be untangled, repaired and relaunched.  But:  in those days, boats were not on steel cradles – rather only supported by standard stands which can work loose from the vibration.  Also, there were no tie downs to concrete blocks like there are today.  So there is hope, even in a direct hit. 

Getting ready for the haul; the topping lift of the mizzen boom had to come off

Powerwash of the bottom; after that, the water supply for the whole boatyard shut down because Grenada is in an acute water shortage currently

Impressive steel cradle with 5 supports on each side; there are also additional stands on each side

It was a grueling nine days getting Kincsem ready for the hurricane season.  I have a long list of “decommissioning” items that involves things like taking the sails, halyards, sheets and all other removable items on deck off, flushing the engine, generator and AC with fresh water, pickling the water maker, putting on winter covers for the masts and winches, etc etc.  But then there are always the special items like vacuuming and cleaning the engine room, treating all rusty items on the engine and generator with rust converter and repainting them in the nice white Volvo paint, derusting and repainting the hooka (the dive compressor I use to clean the bottom of the boat), etc, etc.  This year there was also the service of the Amel drive which involves taking off the prop, emptying the oil in the drive, pulling out 3 lip seals around the shaft and replacing them and filling up with oil again.  And a long list of other "special" items.  

It is done!  The oil is out of the Amel Drive and I’m now pulling out the bronze piece on which the three lip seals run.  Next: coax the old lip seals out with a screw driver, install new lip seals and replace the bronze piece.

And then there is a parade of helpful men whom I have to instruct what to do during my absence.  At SIMS, unfortunately I had to cancel a bunch of the work because the helpful men seemed clueless what to do and how to do it.  However, many of the important items seem to be in good hands and for the rest, there is always Amel in Martinique! 

The cabin as I left it.  Dehumidifier is running.  I can monitor the batteries and the dehumidifier remotely.

So after launch in December, Kincsem will sail to Amel in Martinique for some final items to be dealt with before the big adventure: Kincsem Around the World 2025-2027! Initially, we will participate in the World ARC, an organized rally. The start is in St Lucia on January 11. The plan is to split from the rally in Fiji and end up in New Zealand by the end of 2025. Stay tuned!

Here are some stats for the 2024 season:

Distance sailed: 1,466 nms

Number of days under way: 61

Caribbean Islands visited: 28

Number of Friends and Family who shared the fun: 19

I hope everyone enjoyed the time as much as I did!

AC cooled air hits the Grenada air – no cause for concern!

Flying into SFO over the California coast near San Gregorio


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