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Charles de Gaulle

I’m on my way back to the states, finally. I was in La Rochelle for about two and a half weeks, including a 3 day trip to Hannover to see my parents. La Rochelle has been frustrating in several wa ...

Back in La Rochelle

The sailing season of Kincsem is now over. I had a great time with my old friend Christoph Huss from Munich and new friends Tom and Adam from the J105 fleet in San Francisco, who all joined me in Bre ...


It was just a short hop from Anse de Ben Hir to Camaret, my next stop. Nice harbor and nice town. Again there was very little wind so with the exception of a short attempt at sailing, I motored the ...

Anse de Ben-Hir

I'm anchored here in a beautiful bay, which looks like I'd imagine a bay in Brittany: Dramatic rock formations, rocky beaches; if it wasn't for the hotel at the end of the bay, it would be quite perf ...

Ille d'Houat

It's Saturday and all of France is here! There must be 75+ boats here in the anchorage on the West side of this little island in the Bay of Quiberon. Ever heard of it? Neither had I. But the beach ...

Arrived in La Rochelle

My 2021 Cruising Plan Atlantic Circuit shows us arriving in La Rochelle on August 5 and viola, here we are, on time! Like the German Bundesbahn, not like Amtrak! You'd think it was easy but it wasn' ...

Ponta Delgada

We should be in Horta on the island of Fayal now but we're not. It's a bit tricky to stick to a time table with Covid restrictions. We've been here in Sao Miguel since July 21. We had a great sail ...