Bonifazio to La Maddalena

Kincsem is sitting on a mooring in a bay right out of science fiction at La Maddalena Island. Strange reddish rock formations with a bit of green garnish rising out of crystal clear turquoise and blue water. The only sign we are not in an alien setting are the many boats all around us, from small motor boaties filled to the brim with big families and their dog to a majestic 120 foot dark blue ketch anchored right outside. Joerg calls boat watching the Harbor cinema, but this here comes close!

The whole stretch down the west coast of Corsica was one beautiful anchorage after the next, with spectacular scenery. We are taking the clear water in Mediterranean blue for granted now. Swimming is wonderful. Snorkeling is not like in Tahiti, but there are plenty of fishies in a non-scary size, interesting rock formations, and lots of sea urchins. The lady sea urchins wear something decorative on their spikes: a piece of shell, a bit of seagrass. No kidding! The temperature is delightful, thanks to the steady breeze, and our shade tent. The Amel 55 has this large, flat, cushioned area behind the cockpit, which is shaded by a rigged tent when parked. I love this space, it makes the boat so very comfortable.

Approaching and entering the Bonifazio Harbor is amazing. The old city sits on very high white cliffs, which have huge caves in them. You see the narrow entrance at the last minute and then it is a long stretch into the harbor. It was a dramatic good-bye for Martina and George after a great vacation week.

Joerg is using this week without guests to indulge his inner Martha - a side I have not seen before! He polishes chrome until it sparkles, tries out several methods of window cleaning, and uses a fancy breathing contraption to scrub Kincsem's belly with a special sponge. Luckily we only have a tiny bit of real teak... I just get to do the mundane stuff, like laundry and cooking ;) But then, I do need to read my books!

Au revoir France, ciao bella Italia! Sardinia next! Stay tuned!


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