We're sitting here in La Savina on Formentera now and feel a bit lucky to be here already. Yesterday, as she was pulling up the anchor, Rieke reported a large chain around the anchor. Yes, it was "LARGE." In fact, I was very surprised our anchor winch had pulled it up at all. Obviously, our 55kg Spade anchor had found the chain to anchor the many mooring buoys that are layed in S'Espalmador bay in the summer. It took a while to get a line underneath it and to lower the anchor to extricate it but then the line was caught, inexplicably with a knot around the chain! So we had to do the same maneouver again, pull up the line with the anchor winch, put another line underneath the chain, clear the knot the first line had made etc etc.

The arrival in La Savina harbor was without further drama. Nice place.


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