Kincsem is back in Bas du Fort and there is a surprise: the marina has no water, neither does the town and some seven neighboring towns. Apparently an act of vandalism destroyed the water ...
As the Brunners left and the new crew flew in, a new order dawned on Kincsem: The focus was sharply recalibrated on gourmet food, swimming and snorkeling. Our old friends the Antonis from ...
The requirement to check in and out of islands still controls our schedule. After Les Saintes we sailed up the West coast of Guadeloupe to Deshaies, among other things to check out wit ...
The Christophs departed in Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, and Siegi and his wife Barbara a/k/a The Generalfeldmarschall, arrived. Siegi and Barbara are old friends from American Yacht Club in Rye, ...
From Martinique, we headed North to Dominica, the “Nature Island”. It is endowed with spectacular scenery. The handbook recommended that we go to Roseau to explore the best of it and that’s wh ...
When I first got back to the boat in January, there was quite a bit of work to be done by “helpful men”, which is always a cause for concern as we are dealing with the boating industry. But I sho ...
It’s been a long flight and I’m just walking to baggage claim. How do I know where I’ve landed? Simple, there’s only one airport where I have ever seen this sign: San Francisco! Kidding a ...
We have been here on Martinique for 3 days for one sole purpose: to get Kincsem back in top shape. We had a number of major breakdowns in the ARC: first, the watermaker started leaki ...
Life on board Kincsem follows a standard routine. We have 4 three hour night watches from 2100 to 0900 and three four hour day watches from 0900 to 2100 boat time. All five of us go watches by ...
The Kincsem crew poised to cast off! ...