South Coast Calas

We had another great sail today, with a strong Northerly breeze, i.e. blowing off the land. The plan was to explore some of the calas recommended in Rieke’s tour guide and that we did. I think we anchored in 3 different calas just to check them out. But it’s so easy to do on our boat that it’s tempting to just do it. Press the starboard anchor down button at central control in the cockpit, down it goes. Press the starboard anchor up button, up it comes. It actually works. There was one cala, Cala Coves, where we did not anchor given how narrow it was and the breezy and gusty conditions but we got to explore that one with the dinghy from our final resting place for the night. There are many caves in this area and many of them used to be inhabited. Hard to believe but I guess you have a great view!

We ended up in Cala Porte for the night. It is fairly big and you’re lying among high cliffs but there’s a nice beach at the head. Rieke and I went ashore with the dinghy and I climbed a significant number of steps to the top of the Eastern cliff for a nice view of the cala and the boat. The claim to fame of the place unfortunately was not available for us to explore. There is a “danger disko” cut out of the sheer rock walls it looks like but it only opens May 1. I bet you can jump straight out into the sea below if you’re too hot …. We have to come back!

This is the first blog entry I’m posting by email because the internet is not good here. This requires sending an email to the blog with some arcane coding so I very much hope this goes up as intended! Well - it didn’t work so here it is again with Internet access!


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