
We’re here at the “Yacht Club of Agropoli” just 30 miles south of Salerno and are enjoying every second. Nicki is running the washing machine and I’m splashing around on the deck with a hos ...

Amalfi Coast

Next on the agenda was Positano and Amalfi, if possible. I say “if possible” because there is no guarantee one can stay at either place. Positano is a completely open, unprotected anchorage an ...

Pontene Islands

The sail from Eastern Sardinia to the Italian mainland is about 200 miles, one of the longest ocean passages in the Med you can make. But you can reduce that to 160 miles if you stop at Ponza, a very ...

East Coast of Sardinia

After the Costa Smeralda, Isola di Tavolara was next. Yes, as indicated by the name, it is a table-like mountain of impressive height with white cliffs everywhere. It also lies in a marine reserve a ...

Bonifazio to La Maddalena

Kincsem is sitting on a mooring in a bay right out of science fiction at La Maddalena Island. Strange reddish rock formations with a bit of green garnish rising out of crystal clear turquoise and blue ...

Isla Piana

George and Martina Gates arrived one day late thanks to Air France which gave us another day in Ajaccio. Ajaccio is the biggest city in Corsica and not very attractive but the Tino Rossi harbor was ...

Anse Pelligrino

dsc_0060-10.43.00-am.jpg Another phantastic anchorage here underneath some high mountains. The only drawback is the tripper boats that race through here with some regularity and make a bit of swell. ...