Yesterday we completed the circumnavigation (of Menorca) and put into Ciutadella once again. The first docking of the new team had to make do without a marinero taking our lines because we arrived du ...
Kalle and I went to school together at the Kaiser Wilhelm Gymnasium in Hannover many years ago and have been sailing together on my fathers boats several times over the years. Jutta, his new mate, i ...
It’s getting repetitive but another great sailing day was had yesterday in a 10-20kn Easterly. Rieke and my father much appreciated the fine sail given that it was their last day. Mahon harbor is ...
We had another great sail today, with a strong Northerly breeze, i.e. blowing off the land. The plan was to explore some of the calas recommended in Rieke’s tour guide and that we did. I think we ...
We arrived here a few days ago and have been a bit lazy, relatively speaking. The plan was to stay only one day, to be used to tour the island by car and that we did. But then we had a strong Northe ...
Saturday, we took a lay day but it was not a lazy day. We rented a car and drove up the coast a bit to Valldemossa, a well known monestary and the place where Chopin spent the last few years of his l ...
Today was the best scenery yet. Take a look at the Smugmug site. (It includes a short video - hope it works for you, let me know if it doesn’t, please.) Like Norway with warm weather. Spectacula ...
When leaving Palma in the morning we were greeted by a 10kn Southerly accompanied by the standard weather conditions: blue sky, no clouds, 20C. Like Block Island Race week every day. Shorts, short ...
dsc_0034-8.04.28-am.jpg Arrived here yesterday. It was a bit difficult to find an open berth in Palma since the place is getting ready for the Palma boat show. But the Royal Club Nautico de Palma h ...
Cabrera is a group of islands with spectacular scenery on the SW side of Mallorca. It’s a national park, you’re not permitted to anchor - have to use their moorings - and you must have made reser ...