dsc_0134-10.43.05-am.jpg The Antonis and Richmans arrived on July 1 so Floatel Kincsem is now fully booked for the week. Our first day we sailed a bit and motored a bit and got to Maccinaggio, a som ...
It was tough to get here on Thursday of this week. It has been blowing hard from the West in the Med the last few days. We “had” to get from Elba to Corsica by yesterday and Thursday was the o ...
We got here on Monday and it was a bit of a disaster. We were motoring along when entering the bay of Portoferraio and we had the bright idea to maybe cruise along the coast for a bit and maybe go f ...
We arrived in Porto di Pisa and there is good WIFI here. This means that we can finally upload pictures from the last several weeks, all the way back from when we were cruising the Cote d'Azur. As ...
Everyone says Pisa is a must so we stopped here for a day. The masses of tourists everywhere are truly astounding but the town was better than expected, particularly after we found a nice restaurant ...
We're at anchor here outside the port in a very protected bay. Good choice because we're away from the tourists and noise of the port. This is not to say that Portovenere is not charming and picture ...
Our first stop after Genoa was Portofino. I was very lucky to secure a mooring reservation here. They only have 8 guest spaces and really only about 5 for boats of our size. The rest is for monster ...
So now we have had a taste of Liguria. It’s different here from the Cote d’Azur. Less houses on the slopes and we’re looking at the Appenin, rather than the southern extension of the Alpes. N ...
It's great to have the Admiral on board! We had such a good time sailing the boat together for the first time that week after Hyeres. It seems a long time ago now. After Hyeres, the Cote d'Azur re ...
We have sailed from Hyeres to St. Tropez to Agay to Cannes to Nice - and the boat is still in one piece! I had the quick refresher course in tying fenders, getting the dratted bowline (palstek) knot r ...