First sail of 2017

Today we did a little hop to Aquadulce, some 20 miles Northeast of Almerimar. Actually got a bit of sailing in in a light Southerly breeze. Aquadulce is another one of those resort towns like Almeri ...

Grenada Excursion

This weekend, Rieke, Benno and I drove to Grenada for a bit of serious sightseeing. The Alhambra was truly spectacular - well worth a visit. Rieke had us on a tight schedule, making sure we saw all ...

Amel "Intervention"

The team from Amel was here from Monday afternoon to Thursday morning and addressed a number of items on the "punch list", most importantly the issues we had with the furlers for the main and mizzen o ...

Back in the Water!-2

I arrived on Wednesday and the boat was in good shape. Less dirty than I expected - I guess no storms with desert sand from the South since August? The guys did a great job cleaning everything on Th ...